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Pulse Sequences

One of the main functions of the sequencing package is to manage the construction of time-dependent Hamiltonians to be used in qutip master equation simulations. This is accomplished by an object called a PulseSequence. If you just want to get started simulating some quantum systems, start with quickstart. For a more detailed explanation of PulseSequence, see under the hood.


Once you have put togehter a quantum System, you can create a fresh PulseSequence using the function get_sequence(system) (see get_sequence()). Once the PulseSequence has been created, calling any function that is wrapped with the decorator @capture_operation (see capture_operation) and that returns an Operation object will automatically add that that operation to the current sequence, effectively slotting it into the time-dependent Hamiltonian of the system. Any such function can be called with the keyword argument capture=False in order to return the Operation directly rather than “capturing” it and adding it to the current sequence.

A PulseSequence behaves just like a Python list: you can append, extend, insert, pop, clear, and iterate over it. A PulseSequence can be compiled at any time into a CompiledPulseSequence by calling PulseSequence.compile().

Using get_sequence()

While it is possible to instantiate a PulseSequence or CompiledPulseSequence directly, the recommended way to generate a fresh sequence is by calling get_sequence(system), where system is an instance of System that has already been defined. For convenience, sequencing defines a single global PulseSequence instance which can be fetched as-is by calling get_sequence() with no arguments, or fetched and “reset” before being returned by calling get_sequence(system).

The existence of this global pulse list object is what enables the @capture_operation decorator to work its magic. seq = get_sequence(system) should be called at the beginning of each distinct simulation you want to run, so that @capture_operation knows where to direct the Operations that it captures. The workflow for a set of simulations looks like:

  1. Define your system (modes, drift Hamiltonian, and coherence properties)

  2. For each distinct simulation you wish to run:

    • Call seq = get_sequence(system) to create a fresh sequence

    • Construct the time-dependent Hamiltonian by calling functions decorated by @capture_operations, in combination with any of the sequence scheduling functions discussed below

    • (Optionally, plot the time-dependent Hamiltonian coefficients by calling seq.plot_coefficients())

    • Once the sequence is complete, call result =, where init_state is the initial state of the system (e.g. init_state = system.ground_state()), to run the master equation simulation.

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
%matplotlib inline
import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import qutip
from sequencing import (
    Transmon, Cavity, System, get_sequence, sync, delay, delay_channels,
    HTerm, CTerm, Operation, capture_operation

Instantiate your Modes and System:

qubit = Transmon('qubit', levels=3, kerr=-200e-3)
cavity = Cavity('cavity', levels=10, kerr=-10e-6)
system = System('system', modes=[qubit, cavity])
system.set_cross_kerr(cavity, qubit, chi=-2e-3)

Define a function that performs an Operation on a Mode, and decorate it with @capture_operation

def sine_operation(mode, f0, length):
    times = np.arange(length)
    coeffs = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * times)
    terms = {
        f'{}.x': HTerm(H=mode.x, coeffs=coeffs),
        f'{}.y': HTerm(H=mode.y, coeffs=-0.5*coeffs),
    return Operation(duration=len(times), terms=terms)

seq = get_sequence(system)
assert isinstance(sine_operation(qubit, 4e-2, 100, capture=False), Operation) # operation not captured

print(f'Before calling sine_operation: len(seq) = {len(seq)}')
assert sine_operation(qubit, 2e-2, 200) is None # operation captured by seq
print(f'After calling sine_operation: len(seq) = {len(seq)}')

fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
Before calling sine_operation: len(seq) = 0
After calling sine_operation: len(seq) = 1

Important methods decorated with @capture_operation include Transmon.rotate() and Cavity.displace().

Of course the user is encouraged to define their own functions that return Operations as needed (and decorate them appropriately!).

Scheduling a pulse sequence

The timing of a PulseSequence is determined the duration of its constituent Operations and by the inclusion of sync() statements in the sequence. A sync ensures that all of the Hamiltonian channels align in time up to the point of the sync() statement. Ths means that all operations which follow the sync will be executed after all those before the sync. CompiledPulseSequences are constructed in terms of blocks of Operations separated by syncs. Sets of operations within a block are made to have equal duration by padding shorter operations to the maximum sequence length.

Note: If multiple Operations include the same Hamiltonian channel (operator), then the coefficients for that operator within that block simply add together.

In total, there are three different functions used for scheduling PulseSequence:

print('\t' + '\n\t'.join(inspect.getdoc(sync).split('\n')) + '\n')

print('delay(length, sync_before=True, sync_after=True):')
print('\t' + '\n\t'.join(inspect.getdoc(delay).split('\n')) + '\n')

print('delay_channels(channels, length):')
        Ensure that the Hamiltonian channels all align up to this point.

        This means that all operations which follow the sync will be
        executed after all those before the sync. Sequences are constructed
        in terms of blocks of operations separated by sync()s.
        Within a block, channels are made to have equal duration by padding
        shorter channels to the maximum channel length.

            seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on
                which to apply the sync. If None, a SyncOperation is appended
                to the global PulseSequence. Default: None.

delay(length, sync_before=True, sync_after=True):
        Adds a global delay to the sequence,
        delaying all channels by the same amount.

            length (int): Length of the delay.
            sync_before (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() before
                the delay. Default: True.
            sync_after (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() after
                the delay. Default: True.
            seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on which
                to apply the delay. If None, a DelayOperation is appended to
                the global CompiledPulseSequence. Default: None.

delay_channels(channels, length):
        Adds a delay of duration `length` to only the channels
        specified in `channels`.

            channels (str | list | dict): Either the name of a single channel,
                a list of channel names, or a dict of the form
                {channel_name: H_op}, or a dict of the form
                {channel_name: (H_op, C_op)}. One of the latter two is required
                if the channels are not yet defined in seq.channels
                (i.e. if no previous Operations have involved these channels).
            length (int): Duration of the delay.
            seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on which
                to delay channels. If None, a DelayChannelsOperation is appended
                to the global CompiledPulseSequence. Default: None.

Visualizing a pulse sequence

qubit.gaussian_pulse.drag = 5
alpha = 1.5 * np.exp(-1j * np.pi/8)
idle = 10 # ns

def adjust_figsize(fig, ax, width=8, height=2.5):
    fig.set_size_inches(width, height)

# without sync
seq = get_sequence(system)
fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
ax.set_title('without sync()')
adjust_figsize(fig, ax)

# with sync
seq = get_sequence(system)
fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
ax.set_title('with sync()')
adjust_figsize(fig, ax)

# with delay
seq = get_sequence(system)
fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
ax.set_title(f'with delay({idle} ns)')
adjust_figsize(fig, ax)

# delay_channels - cavity
seq = get_sequence(system)
delay_channels({'cavity.x': cavity.x, 'cavity.y': cavity.y}, idle)
fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
ax.set_title(f'with delay_channels([cavity.x, cavity.y], {idle} ns)')
adjust_figsize(fig, ax)

# delay_channels - qubit
seq = get_sequence(system)
delay_channels({'qubit.x': qubit.x, 'qubit.y': qubit.y}, idle)
fig, ax = seq.plot_coefficients(subplots=False)
ax.set_title(f'with delay_channels([qubit.x, qubit.y], {idle} ns)')
adjust_figsize(fig, ax)

Under the hood

As mentioned above, a PulseSequence is compiled into a CompiledPulseSequence before it is simulated. A CompiledPulseSequence is associated with a System, and is composed of Operations.


An Operation is an object with a certain duration (in nanoseconds) and a string-keyed dictionary of terms, where each term is an instance of HTerm.

HTerms have the following signature:

  • H (qutip.Qobj):

    • qutip.Qobj representing a given operator.

  • coeffs (optional, scalar or array-like or callable, default: 1):

    • Coefficients for the above operator. If coeffs is a scalar, then the operator has constant coefficients. If coeffs is a list or np.ndarray, then coeffs represents the time-dependent coefficients of the operator (one coefficient per nanosecond). If coeffs is a callable, then it is interpreted as a function with the signature coeffs(time_in_ns, *args, **kwargs) -> array_of_coefficients.

  • args (optional, sequence, default: None):

    • Positional arguments to be passed to coeffs if coeffs is a callable.

  • kwargs (optional, dict, default: None):

    • Keyword arguments to be passed to coeffs if coeffs is a callable.

Terms that are applied to the Hamiltonian simultaneously can be packaged together in an Operation, which has the signature:

  • duration (int):

    • Length of the operation in nanoseconds.

  • terms (dict[str, HTerm]):

    • Dictionary of the form {channel_name: term}, where channel_name is a string specifying the a label for the term’s operator and term is an instance of HTerm.


The CompiledPulseSequence class tracks the timing/scheduling of different Operations and produces a time-dependent Hamiltonian in a format that can be injested by qutip.mesolve(). The unsung hero of CompiledPulseSequence is a class called HamiltonianChannels, which has the following attributes:

  • tmin (float): sequence start time in ns.

  • tmax (float): sequence end time in ns, i.e. last time point for which a coefficient is defined.

  • times (np.ndarray): array of current sequence time in ns.

  • channels (dict): dictionary of the form {channel_name: {'H': H_op, 'time_dependent': bool, 'coeffs': array_of_coeffs, 'delay': channel_delay}}. array_of_coeffs specifies the coefficients for operator H_op at every time step in the sequence. channel_delay is the total delay for that channel relative to any un-delayed channels. This value is incremented whenever the delay_channel() function is called on a given channel.

The two important methods of HamiltonianChannels are add_operation() and build_hamiltonian().

  • add_operation() takes in an Operation and directs each of its terms to the appropriate Hamiltonian channel. Then, it pads the coeffs for each channel to ensure that all channels are perfectly aligned in time.

  • build_hamiltonian() converts the dictionary of channels into a list that can be interpreted by qutip.mesolve() in order to be simulated.

from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table
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Tue Aug 30 19:15:38 2022 UTC
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