Source code for sequencing.parameters

# This file is part of sequencing.
#    Copyright (c) 2021, The Sequencing Authors.
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import json
import logging
import importlib
from functools import reduce
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
import attr

class NumpyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
            return int(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
            return float(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
            return super().default(obj)

[docs]@attr.s class Parameterized(object): """A serializable object with parameters. Parameterized objects must have a name and can have any number of parameters, which can be created using the functions defined in ``sequencing.parameters``, or by using `attrs <>`__ directly via ``attr.ib()``. Parameterized offers the following convenient features: * Recursive ``get()`` and ``set()`` methods for getting and setting attributes of nested ``Parameterized`` objects. * Methods for converting a ``Parameterized`` object into a Python dict, and creating a new Parameterized object from a dict. * Methods for serializing a ``Parameterized`` object to json and creating a new ``Parameterized`` object from json. Supported parameter types include: * ``StringParameter`` * ``BoolParameter`` * ``IntParameter`` * ``FloatParameter`` * ``NanosecondParameter`` * ``GigahertzParameter`` * ``RadianParameter`` * ``DictParameter`` * ``ListParameter`` **Notes:** * Subclasses of ``Parameterized`` must be decorated with ``@attr.s`` * Subclasses of ``Parameterized`` can define an ``initialize()`` method, which takes no arguments. It will be called on instantiation after the attrs-generated ``__init__`` method (see `__attrs_post_init__ <>`_ for more details). If defined, the subclass' ``initialize()`` method should always call ``super().initialize()`` to ensure that the superclass is correctly initialized. """ name = attr.ib(type=str) cls = attr.ib(type=str, default="") logger = logging.getLogger("Parameterized")
[docs] def initialize(self): """Called after the attrs-generated __init__ method. Can be specialized to set private attributes or perform other setup tasks. """ pass
def __attrs_post_init__(self): # store the class name so instances can be serialized # and de-serialized self.cls = ".".join([self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__]) self.initialize()
[docs] def get_param(self, address, *args, delimiter="."): """Recursively "get" a single attribute of nested ``Parameterized`` objects. Args: address (str): ``delimiter``-delimited string specifying the attribute to fetch, e.g. ``instance.param.sub_param``. delimiter (optional, str): String used to split ``address``. Default: ``'.'``. Returns: object: Attribute specified by ``address``. """ # def _getattr(obj, attr): return getattr(obj, attr, *args) return reduce(_getattr, [self] + address.split(delimiter))
[docs] def set_param(self, address, value, delimiter="."): """Recursively "set" a single attribute of nested ``Parameterized`` objects. Args: address (str): ``delimiter``-delimited string specifying the attribute to fetch, e.g. ``instance.param.sub_param``. value (object): Value to assign to the attribute specified by ``address``. delimiter (optional, str): String used to split ``address``. Default: ".". """ # pre, _, post = address.rpartition(delimiter) return setattr(self.get_param(pre) if pre else self, post, value)
[docs] def set(self, **kwargs): """Recursively "set" attributes of nested ``Parameterized`` objects. Attributes must be specified as keyword arguments: ``attr_address=value``, where ``attr_address`` is a ``delimiter``-delimited string specifying the attribute to fetch, e.g. ``instance__param__sub_param=value``. The default ``delimiter`` is ``"__"``, i.e. two underscores. This can be overridden by passing in ``delimiter`` as a keyword argument. """ delimiter = kwargs.pop("delimiter", "__") for name, value in kwargs.items(): self.set_param(name, value, delimiter=delimiter)
[docs] def get(self, *addresses, delimiter="."): """Recursively "get" attributes of nested ``Parameterized`` objects. Args: *names (tuple[str]): Names of the attributes whose values should be returned. delimiter (optional, str): Delimiter for the attribute addresses. Default: "." Returns: dict[str, object]: A dictionary of (attr_address, attr_value). """ params = {} for addr in addresses: params[addr] = self.get_param(addr, delimiter=delimiter) return params
[docs] @contextmanager def temporarily_set(self, **kwargs): """A context mangaer that temporarily sets parameter values, then reverts them to the old values. Delimiter for ``get()`` and ``set()`` can be chosen using keyword argument ``delimiter="{whatever}"``. The default is two underscores, ``__``. """ delimiter = kwargs.pop("delimiter", "__") old_params = self.get(*list(kwargs), delimiter=delimiter) try: set_kwargs = kwargs.copy() set_kwargs["delimiter"] = delimiter self.set(**set_kwargs) yield finally: set_kwargs = old_params.copy() set_kwargs["delimiter"] = delimiter self.set(**set_kwargs)
[docs] def as_dict(self, json_friendly=True): """Returns a dictionary representation of the object and all of its parameters. Args: json_friendly (optional, bool): Whether to return a JSON-friendly dictionary. Default:True. Returns: dict: Dictionary representation of the Parameterized object. """ return attr.asdict(self, retain_collection_types=True)
[docs] def to_json(self, dumps=False, json_path=None): """Serialize object to json. Args: dumps (optional, bool): If True, returns the json string instead of writing to file. Default: False. json_path (optional, str): Path to write json file to. Default: ``{}.json``. Returns: str or None: json string if ``dumps`` is True, else writes json to file and returns None. """ d = self.as_dict(json_friendly=True) if dumps: if json_path is not None: raise ValueError("If dumps is True, json_path must be None.") return json.dumps(d, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if json_path is None: json_path = f"{}.json" if not json_path.endswith(".json"): json_path = json_path + ".json" with open(json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(d, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, cls=NumpyJSONEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Creates a new instance from a dict like that returned by ``self.as_dict()``. Args: d (dict): Dict from which to create the Parameterized object. Returns: Parameterized: Instance of ``Parameterized`` whose parameters have been populated from ``d``. """ fields_dict = attr.fields_dict(cls) kwargs = {} for name, value in d.items(): if name not in fields_dict: # not a Parameter or Parameterized object continue if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # value is a list potentially containing both # Parameterized objects and # non-Parameterized objects vals = [] for val in value: if isinstance(val, dict) and "cls" in val: # val is a Parameterized object mod_name, cls_name = val["cls"].rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) other_cls = getattr(module, cls_name) vals.append(other_cls.from_dict(val)) else: # val is not Parameterized vals.append(val) kwargs[name] = vals elif isinstance(value, dict): # value must be either a Parameterized object itself, # or it comes from a DictParameter. if "cls" in value: # It's a Parameterized object itself, # so ook up the correct class and instantiate it mod_name, cls_name = value["cls"].rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) other_cls = getattr(module, cls_name) kwargs[name] = other_cls.from_dict(value) else: # It's a dict potentially containing some # Parameterized objects and some non-Parameterized objects val_dict = {} for key, val in value.items(): if isinstance(val, dict) and "cls" in val: # val is a Parameterized object mod_name, cls_name = val["cls"].rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) other_cls = getattr(module, cls_name) val_dict[key] = other_cls.from_dict(val) else: # val is not a Parameterized object val_dict[key] = val kwargs[name] = val_dict else: # value is not Parameterized, and it is not a list or dict, # so it must be a simple scalar parameter. kwargs[name] = value return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_path=None, json_str=None): """Creates a new instance from a JSON file or string like that returned by ``self.to_json()``. Args: json_path (optional, str): Path to JSON file from which to load parameters. Required if ``json_str`` is ``None``. Default: None. json_str (optional, str): JSON string like that returned by ``self.to_json(dumps=True)``. Required if ``json_path`` is ``None`` Default: None. Returns: Parameterized: Instance of ``Parameterized`` whose parameters have been populated from the JSON data. """ if json_str is not None: if json_path is not None: raise ValueError("Must provide either json_path or json_str, not both.") d = json.loads(json_str) else: if json_path is None: raise ValueError("Must provide either json_path or json_str.") if not json_path.endswith(".json"): json_path = json_path + ".json" with open(json_path, "r") as f: d = json.load(f) return cls.from_dict(d)
[docs]def StringParameter(default, **kwargs): """Adds a string parameter. Args: default (str): Default value. """ return attr.ib(default=default, converter=str, **kwargs)
[docs]def BoolParameter(default, **kwargs): """Adds a boolean parameter. Args: default (bool): Default value. """ return attr.ib(default=default, converter=bool, **kwargs)
[docs]def IntParameter(default, unit=None, **kwargs): """Adds an integer parameter. Args: default (int): Default value. unit (optional, str): Unit to record in metadata. Default: None. """ if unit is not None: kwargs["metadata"] = dict(unit=str(unit)) return attr.ib(default=default, converter=int, **kwargs)
[docs]def FloatParameter(default, unit=None, **kwargs): """Adds a float parameter. Args: default (float): Default value. unit (optional, str): Unit to record in metadata. Default: None. """ if unit is not None: kwargs["metadata"] = dict(unit=str(unit)) return attr.ib(default=default, converter=float, **kwargs)
[docs]def NanosecondParameter(default, base=IntParameter, **kwargs): """Adds a nanosecond parameter. Args: default (int or float): Default value. base (optional, type): IntParameter or FloatParameter. Default: IntParameter """ return base(default, unit="ns", **kwargs)
[docs]def GigahertzParameter(default, base=FloatParameter, **kwargs): """Adds a GHz parameter. Args: default (int or float): Default value. base (optional, type): IntParameter or FloatParameter. Default: FloatParameter """ return base(default, unit="GHz", **kwargs)
[docs]def RadianParameter(default, base=FloatParameter, **kwargs): """Add a radian parameter. Args: default (int or float): Default value. base (optional, type): IntParameter or FloatParameter. Default: FloatParameter """ return base(default, unit="radian", **kwargs)
[docs]def DictParameter(default=None, factory=dict, **kwargs): """Adds a dict parameter: Args: default (optional, dict): Default value. Default: None. base (optional, callabe): Factory function, e.g. dict or collections.OrderedDict. Default: dict. """ if default is not None: return attr.ib(default, **kwargs) return attr.ib(factory=factory, **kwargs)
[docs]def ListParameter(default=None, factory=list, **kwargs): """Adds a list parameter. Args: default (optional, list): Default value. Default: None. base (optional, callabe): Factory function, e.g. list or tuple. Default: list. """ if default is not None: return attr.ib(default, **kwargs) return attr.ib(factory=factory, **kwargs)