Source code for sequencing.modes

# This file is part of sequencing.
#    Copyright (c) 2021, The Sequencing Authors.
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from asteval import make_symbol_table, Interpreter
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
import attr
import qutip

from .parameters import (
from .pulses import (
from .sequencing import capture_operation, Operation, HTerm

[docs]def sort_modes(modes): """Sorts a list of ``Modes`` based on the logic described below. Mode ordering is decided primarily by mode Hilbert space size: modes with more levels go on the right. Among modes with the same number of levels, the ordering is decided alphanumerically from right to left. For example, assuming all cavities have the same number of levels and all qubits have the same, smaller, number of levels: [qubit1, qubit0, cavity2, cavity1, cavity0] Args: modes (list[Mode]): List of modes to sort. Returns: ``list[Mode]``: Sorted list of Modes. """ return sorted(modes, key=lambda m: (, m.levels), reverse=True)
[docs]@attr.s class Mode(Parameterized): """An oscillator that can be embedded in a larger Hilbert space. ``Modes`` have a ``logical_zero`` state and ``logical_one state``, based on which Pauli operators and rotations are defined. Args: name (str): Name of the mode for which to construct operators. levels (optional, int): Number of levels in the mode subspace. Default: 2. t1 (optional, float): Mode T1 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. t2 (optional, float): Mode T2 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. thermal_population (optional, float): Mode excited state population (in [0..1]). Default: 0. df (optional, float): Mode detuning in GHz. Default: 0. kerr (optional, float): Mode self-Kerr in GHz. Default: 0. """ levels = IntParameter(2) t1 = NanosecondParameter(np.inf, base=FloatParameter) t2 = NanosecondParameter(np.inf, base=FloatParameter) thermal_population = FloatParameter(0) df = GigahertzParameter(0) kerr = GigahertzParameter(0) order_modes = True OPERATORS = ( "I", "a", "ad", "n", "x", "y", "sigmax", "sigmay", "sigmaz", "Raxis", "Rx", "Ry", "Rz", "Rphi", )
[docs] def initialize(self): super().initialize() self._space = [self] self._logical_zero = None self._logical_one = None
@property def space(self): """A list of Modes. This is the Hilbert space in which the mode exists. """ return self._space @space.setter def space(self, modes): if self.order_modes: modes = sort_modes(modes) self._space = modes @property def index(self): """The index of the Mode in its Hilbert space.""" return @property def I(self): # noqa: E741, E743 """Identity operator.""" return self.tensor_with_I(qutip.qeye(self.levels)) @property def a(self): """Annihilation operator.""" return self.tensor_with_I(qutip.destroy(self.levels)) @property def ad(self): """Creation operator.""" return self.a.dag() @property def n(self): """Number operator.""" a = self.a return a.dag() * a @property def x(self): """Position operator.""" a = self.a return a.dag() + a @property def y(self): """Momentum (quadrature) operator.""" a = self.a return -1j * (a - a.dag()) @property def detuning(self): """Operator representation of a detuning on this mode.""" return 2 * np.pi * self.df * self.n @property def self_kerr(self): """Operator representation of the mode's self-Kerr.""" a = self.a ad = a.dag() return np.pi * self.kerr * (ad * ad * a * a) @property def tphi(self): """Pure dephasing time, calculated from ``t1`` and ``t2``.""" if np.isinf(self.t2): return np.inf if self.t2 > 2 * self.t1: raise ValueError("Cannot have T2 > 2 * T1.") try: return 1 / (1 / self.t2 - 1 / (2 * self.t1)) except ZeroDivisionError: # t2 == 2 * t1 return np.inf @property def Gamma_up(self): """Excitation rate, calulcated from ``t1`` and ``thermal_population``. """ return self.thermal_population / self.t1 @property def Gamma_down(self): """Decay rate, calculated from ``t1`` and ``Gamma_up``.""" return 1 / self.t1 - self.Gamma_up @property def decay(self): """Collapse operator for energy decay.""" return np.sqrt(self.Gamma_down) * self.a @property def excitation(self): """Collapse operator for excitation.""" return np.sqrt(self.Gamma_up) * @property def dephasing(self): """Collapse operator for pure dephasing.""" return np.sqrt(2 / self.tphi) * self.n
[docs] @contextmanager def no_loss(self): """A context manager that temporarily sets a Mode's coherence parameters to the ideal values: T1 = inf, T2 = inf, thermal population = 0. """ kwargs = dict(t1=np.inf, t2=np.inf, thermal_population=0) with self.temporarily_set(**kwargs): yield
[docs] @contextmanager def use_space(self, modes): """A context manager that temporarily sets ``self.modes`` to ``modes``, then reverts it to the previous value. Args: modes (list[Mode]): List of ``Modes`` specifying the temporary Hilbert space to use. """ if isinstance(modes, Mode): modes = [modes] old_space = try: = modes yield finally: = old_space
[docs] def fock(self, n=0, full_space=True): """Returns the Fock state ``|n>``, optionally embedded in the full Hilbert space. Args: n (optional, int): Integer corresponding to desired Fock state. Default: 0 full_space (optional, bool): Whether to return the basis state embedded in the full space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Ket representing the Fock state. """ if not full_space: return qutip.basis(self.levels, n) return self.tensor_with_zero(qutip.basis(self.levels, n))
basis = fock
[docs] def fock_dm(self, n=0, full_space=True): """Returns the basis state ``|n>``, optionally embedded in the full Hilbert space, as a density matrix. Args: n (optional, int): Integer corresponding to desired Fock state. Default: 0 full_space (optional, bool): Whether to return the basis state embedded in the full space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Density matrix representing the Fock product state. """ ket = self.fock(n=n, full_space=full_space) return qutip.ket2dm(ket)
[docs] @staticmethod def tensor(*args): """Calculates the tensor product of input operators.""" return qutip.tensor(*args)
[docs] def tensor_with_zero(self, state): """Returns ``state`` on ``self``, tensored with ``ket(0)`` on all other modes in ````. Args: state (qutip.Qobj): State of the mode. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: ``state`` on the mode, tensored with ``ket(0)`` on all other modes in """ states = [mode.basis(0, full_space=False) for mode in] states[self.index] = state return self.tensor(*states)
[docs] def tensor_with_I(self, operator): r"""Returns `operator` for ``self``, tensored with ``I`` for all other modes in ````. Args: state (qutip.Qobj): State of the mode. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: ``operator`` for the mode, tensored with ``I`` on all other modes in ````. """ ops = [qutip.qeye(mode.levels) for mode in] ops[self.index] = operator return self.tensor(*ops)
[docs] def set_logical_states(self, logical_zero=None, logical_one=None): """Sets the mode's logical zero and logical one states. Args: logical_zero (optional, qutip.Qobj): Ket representing the mode's logical zero state. If None, the Fock state ket(0) is used as logical zero. ``logical_zero`` must have the same dimensions as the mode itself. Default: None. logical_one (optional, qutip.Qobj): Ket representing the mode's logical one state. If None, the Fock state ket(1) is used as logical one. ``logical_one`` must ahve the same dimensions as the mode itself. Default: None. """ dims = self.basis(0, full_space=False).dims if logical_zero is not None and logical_zero.dims != dims: raise ValueError( "Logical zero state must have the same dimension as the Mode." ) if logical_one is not None and logical_one.dims != dims: raise ValueError( "Logical one state must have the same dimension as the Mode." ) self._logical_zero = logical_zero self._logical_one = logical_one
[docs] def logical_zero(self, full_space=True): """Returns the mode's logical zero state, optionally embedded in the full Hilbert space defined by ````. Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed ``logical_zero`` in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Ket representing the mode's logical zero state. """ state = self._logical_zero if state is None: state = self.basis(0, full_space=False) if full_space: state = self.tensor_with_zero(state) return state
[docs] def logical_one(self, full_space=True): r"""Returns the mode's logical one state, optionally embedded in the full Hilbert space defined by ````. Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed ``logical_one`` in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Ket representing the mode's logical one state. """ state = self._logical_one if state is None: state = self.basis(1, full_space=False) if full_space: state = self.tensor_with_zero(state) return state
[docs] def logical_states(self, full_space=True): r"""Returns the mode's logical zero and logical one states, optionally embedded in the full Hilbert space defined by ````. Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed logical states in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: tuple[qutip.Qobj, qutip.Qobj]: Kets representing the mode's logical zero and logical ones states. """ zeroL = self.logical_zero(full_space=full_space) oneL = self.logical_one(full_space=full_space) return zeroL, oneL
[docs] def sigmax(self, full_space=True): r"""Pauli X operator .. math:: X = \left|0_L\rangle\langle1_L\right| + \left|1_L\rangle\langle0_L\right| Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Pauli X operator. """ zeroL, oneL = self.logical_states(full_space=False) op = zeroL * oneL.dag() + oneL * zeroL.dag() if full_space: op = self.tensor_with_I(op) return op
[docs] def sigmay(self, full_space=True): r"""Pauli Y operator .. math:: Y = -i\left(\left|0_L\rangle\langle1_L\right| - \left|1_L\rangle\langle0_L\right|\right) Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Pauli Y operator. """ zeroL, oneL = self.logical_states(full_space=False) op = -1j * (zeroL * oneL.dag() - oneL * zeroL.dag()) if full_space: op = self.tensor_with_I(op) return op
[docs] def sigmaz(self, full_space=True): r"""Pauli Z operator. .. math:: Z = \left|0_L\rangle\langle0_L\right| - \left|1_L\rangle\langle1_L\right| Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Pauli Z operator. """ zeroL, oneL = self.logical_states(full_space=False) op = zeroL * zeroL.dag() - oneL * oneL.dag() if full_space: op = self.tensor_with_I(op) return op
[docs] def Raxis(self, theta, phi, full_space=True): r"""Operator for a rotation of angle ``theta`` about an axis specified by ``phi``. .. math:: R_\text{axis}(\theta,\phi) = \exp\left(-i\theta/2 \cdot (\cos(\phi)X + \sin(\phi)Y)\right) Args: theta (float): Rotation angle in radians. phi (float): Angle between the axis of rotation and the x axis. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Raxis operator. """ sx = self.sigmax(full_space=full_space) sy = self.sigmay(full_space=full_space) return (-1j * theta / 2 * (np.cos(phi) * sx + np.sin(phi) * sy)).expm()
[docs] def Rx(self, theta, full_space=True): r"""Operator for a rotation of angle ``theta`` about the x axis. .. math:: R_x(\theta) = \exp(-i\theta/2 \cdot X) Args: theta (float): Rotation angle in radians. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Rx operator. """ return (-1j * theta / 2 * self.sigmax(full_space=full_space)).expm()
[docs] def Ry(self, theta, full_space=True): r"""Operator for a rotation of angle ``theta`` about the y axis. .. math:: R_y(\theta) = \exp(-i\theta/2 \cdot Y) Args: theta (float): Rotation angle in radians. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Ry operator. """ return (-1j * theta / 2 * self.sigmay(full_space=full_space)).expm()
[docs] def Rz(self, theta, full_space=True): r"""Operator for a rotation of angle ``theta`` about the z axis. .. math:: R_z(\theta) = \exp(-i\theta/2 \cdot Z) Args: theta (float): Rotation angle in radians. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Rz operator. """ return (-1j * theta / 2 * self.sigmaz(full_space=full_space)).expm()
[docs] def hadamard(self, full_space=True): r"""Hadamard operator. .. math:: H = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(X + Z\right) Args: full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Hadamard operator. """ kwargs = dict(full_space=full_space) return 1 / np.sqrt(2) * (self.sigmax(**kwargs) + self.sigmaz(**kwargs))
[docs] def Rphi(self, phi, full_space=True): r"""Phase shift operator. .. math:: R_\phi = \exp(i\phi a^\dagger a) Args: phi (float): Number state-dependent phase shift to apply to the mode. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Phase shift operator. """ op = self.n if not full_space: with self.use_space(self): op = self.n return (1j * phi * op).expm()
[docs] def operator_expr(self, expr): """Evaluate an expression composed of single-mode operators. See ``Mode.OPERATORS`` for the full list of supported operators. Args: expr (str): String representation of the operator expression to evaluate. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Evaluated operator expression. """ symbols = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.OPERATORS} symtable = make_symbol_table(use_numpy=True, **symbols) aeval = Interpreter(symtable=symtable) return aeval.eval(expr)
[docs]@attr.s class PulseMode(Mode): """A Mode that has Pulses. Args: name (str): Name of the mode for which to construct operators. levels (optional, int): Number of levels in the mode subspace. Default: 2. t1 (optional, float): Mode T1 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. t2 (optional, float): Mode T2 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. thermal_population (optional, float): Mode excited state population (in [0..1]). Default: 0. df (optional, float): Mode detuning in GHz. Default: 0. kerr (optional, float): Mode self-Kerr in GHz. Default: 0. pulses (optional, dict[str, Pulse]): Dict of pulses defined for this Mode. Default: empty dict {}. default_pulse (optional, str): Name of the default Pulse for this Mode. Default: "gaussian_pulse". """ pulses = DictParameter() default_pulse = StringParameter("gaussian_pulse")
[docs] def initialize(self): super().initialize() self.add_pulse(cls=SmoothedConstantPulse) self.add_pulse(cls=GaussianPulse) self._dt = 1
@property def dt(self): return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self, dt): self._dt = dt for pulse in self.pulses.values(): pulse.dt = dt
[docs] def add_pulse(self, cls=GaussianPulse, name=None, error_if_exists=False, **kwargs): """Creates a new pulse of type ``cls`` and adds it to ``self.pulses``. Keyword arguments are passed to ``cls.__init__()``. Args: cls (optional, type): Pulse class to instantiate. Default: ``GaussianPulse``. name (optional, str): Name of the new pulse. If None, will use the "snake case" version of the class name, e.g. "GaussianPulse" -> "gaussian_pulse". Default: None. error_if_exists (optional, bool): Whether to raise an exception if a pulse with the same name already exists. Default: False. """ pulse = pulse_factory(cls, name=name, **kwargs)() name = if name in self.pulses and error_if_exists: raise ValueError(f"Pulse {name} already defined on {}.") self.pulses[name] = pulse setattr(self, name, pulse)
[docs] @contextmanager def amplitude(self, amp, pulse_name=None): """A context manager that temporarily sets the amplitude of a given pulse to ``amp``, then reverts it to its previous value. Args: amp (float): Amplitude to temporarilty set. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse whose amplitude you would like to set. If None, uses ``self.default_pulse``. Default: None. """ if pulse_name is None: pulse_name = self.default_pulse pulse = self.pulses[pulse_name] old_amp = pulse.amp try: pulse.amp = amp yield finally: pulse.amp = old_amp
[docs] @contextmanager def pulse_scale(self, scale, pulse_name=None): """A context manager that temporarily scales the amplitude of a given pulse by ``scale``, then reverts it to its previous value (i.e. ``scale = 1``). Args: scale (float): Factor by which to temporarilty scale the pulse amplitude. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse whose amplitude you would like to scale. If None, uses ``self.default_pulse``. Default: None. """ if pulse_name is None: pulse_name = self.default_pulse pulse = self.pulses[pulse_name] amp = pulse.amp try: pulse.amp = amp * scale yield finally: pulse.amp = amp
[docs]@attr.s class Qubit(PulseMode): """Fixed-frequency qubit. A PulseMode whose primary operations are rotations on the Bloch Sphere. Args: name (str): Name of the mode for which to construct operators. levels (optional, int): Number of levels in the mode subspace. Default: 2. t1 (optional, float): Mode T1 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. t2 (optional, float): Mode T2 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. thermal_population (optional, float): Mode excited state population (in [0..1]). Default: 0. df (optional, float): Mode detuning in GHz. Default: 0. kerr (optional, float): Mode self-Kerr in GHz. Default: 0. pulses (optional, dict[str, Pulse]): Dict of pulses defined for this Mode. Default: empty dict {}. default_pulse (optional, str): Name of the default Pulse for this Mode. Default: "gaussian_pulse". """ @property def anharmonicity(self): """Alias for ``Qubit.kerr``""" return self.kerr @anharmonicity.setter def anharmonicity(self, alpha): self.kerr = alpha
[docs] @capture_operation def rotate(self, angle, phase, pulse_name=None, unitary=False, **kwargs): """Generate a pulse to rotate the qubit by a given angle about a given axis. Keyword arguments are passed to the ``Pulse`` object. Args: angle (float): Rotation angle in radians. phase (float): Rotation axis relative to the x axis. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to use. If None, will use ``self.default_pulse``. Default: None. unitary (optional, bool): Whether to return the corresponding unitary operator instead of executing the pulse. Default: False. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj`` or Operation: If ``unitary`` is True, returns the unitary operator Rx(angle), otherwise returns the resulting ``Operation`` object. """ if unitary: full_space = kwargs.get("full_space", True) return self.Raxis(angle, phase, full_space=full_space) pulse_name = pulse_name or self.default_pulse pulse = getattr(self, pulse_name) # Assuming that default_pulse.amp = 1 corresponds to rotation of pi norm = gaussian_chop_norm(pulse.sigma, pulse.chop) amp = angle * pulse.amp / norm c_wave = pulse(amp=amp, phase=phase, **kwargs) terms = { f"{}.x": HTerm(self.x, c_wave.real), f"{}.y": HTerm(self.y, c_wave.imag), } return Operation(len(c_wave) * self.dt, terms)
[docs] def rotate_x(self, angle, unitary=False, **kwargs): """Generate a rotation about the x axis. Keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`Qubit.rotate()` if ``unitary`` is False. Args: angle (float): Rotation angle in radians. unitary (optional, bool): Whether to return the corresponding unitary operator instead of executing the pulse. Default: False. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj`` or Operation: If ``unitary`` is True, returns the unitary operator Rx(angle), otherwise returns the resulting ``Operation`` object. """ if unitary: full_space = kwargs.get("full_space", True) return self.Rx(angle, full_space=full_space) return self.rotate(angle, 0, **kwargs)
[docs] def rotate_y(self, angle, unitary=False, **kwargs): """Generate a rotation about the y axis. Keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`Qubit.rotate()` if ``unitary`` is False. Args: angle (float): Rotation angle in radians. unitary (optional, bool): Whether to return the corresponding unitary operator instead of executing the pulse. Default: False. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj`` or Operation: If ``unitary`` is True, returns the unitary operator Ry(angle), otherwise returns the resulting ``Operation`` object. """ if unitary: full_space = kwargs.get("full_space", True) return self.Ry(angle, full_space=full_space) return self.rotate(angle, np.pi / 2, **kwargs)
[docs]@attr.s class Transmon(Qubit): """Fixed-frequency transmon qubit. A PulseMode whose primary operations are rotations on the Bloch Sphere. Args: name (str): Name of the mode for which to construct operators. levels (optional, int): Number of levels in the mode subspace. Default: 2. t1 (optional, float): Mode T1 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. t2 (optional, float): Mode T2 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. thermal_population (optional, float): Mode excited state population (in [0..1]). Default: 0. df (optional, float): Mode detuning in GHz. Default: 0. kerr (optional, float): Mode self-Kerr in GHz. Default: 0. pulses (optional, dict[str, Pulse]): Dict of pulses defined for this Mode. Default: empty dict {}. default_pulse (optional, str): Name of the default Pulse for this Mode. Default: "gaussian_pulse". """ pass
[docs]@attr.s class Cavity(PulseMode): """Weakly non-linear cavity. A PulseMode whose primary operation is displacements. Args: name (str): Name of the mode for which to construct operators. levels (optional, int): Number of levels in the mode subspace. Default: 2. t1 (optional, float): Mode T1 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. t2 (optional, float): Mode T2 time in nanoseconds. Default: inf. thermal_population (optional, float): Mode excited state population (in [0..1]). Default: 0. df (optional, float): Mode detuning in GHz. Default: 0. kerr (optional, float): Mode self-Kerr in GHz. Default: 0. pulses (optional, dict[str, Pulse]): Dict of pulses defined for this Mode. Default: empty dict {}. default_pulse (optional, str): Name of the default Pulse for this Mode. Default: "gaussian_pulse". """ OPERATORS = Mode.OPERATORS + ("D",)
[docs] def D(self, alpha, full_space=True): """Returns the displacement operator. Args: alpha (complex): Displacement amplitude. full_space (optional, bool): Whether to embed the operator in the full Hilbert space. Default: True. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj``: Displacement operator. """ op = qutip.displace(self.levels, alpha) if full_space: return self.tensor_with_I(op) return op
[docs] @capture_operation def displace(self, alpha, unitary=False, pulse_name=None, **kwargs): """Generate a displacement of amplitude ``alpha``. Keyword arguments are passed to the ``Pulse`` object if ``unitary`` is False. Args: alpha (complex): Displacement amplitude. unitary (optional, bool): Whether to return the unitary operator instead of generating a pulse. Default: False. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to use. If None, will use ``self.default_pulse``. Default: None. Returns: ``qutip.Qobj`` or Operation: If ``unitary`` is True, returns the unitary operator Ry(angle), otherwise returns the resulting ``Operation`` object. """ if unitary: return self.D(alpha) # Assuming default_pulse.amp = 1 corresponds to displacement of 1 pulse_name = pulse_name or self.default_pulse pulse = getattr(self, pulse_name) norm = gaussian_chop_norm(pulse.sigma, pulse.chop) amp = 2 * alpha * pulse.amp / norm c_wave = pulse(amp=amp, **kwargs) i = -c_wave.imag q = c_wave.real terms = { f"{}.x": HTerm(self.x, i), f"{}.y": HTerm(self.y, q), } return Operation(len(c_wave) * self.dt, terms)