Source code for sequencing.calibration

# This file is part of sequencing.
#    Copyright (c) 2021, The Sequencing Authors.
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import numpy as np
from math import factorial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lmfit
from .sequencing import get_sequence, sync, ket2dm, ops2dms, tqdm

def fit_line(xs, ys):
    model = lmfit.models.LinearModel()
    return, x=xs)

def fit_sine(xs, ys):
    def sine(xs, amp=1, f0=1, phi=0, ofs=0.5):
        return ofs + amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * xs + phi)

    ys = np.asarray(ys)
    # extract a guess for initial guess for f0 and phi
    num_pts = 1000
    fs = np.fft.rfftfreq(num_pts, xs[1] - xs[0])
    fft = np.fft.rfft(ys - ys.mean(), num_pts)
    ix = np.argmax(np.abs(fft))
    f0 = fs[ix]
    phi = np.angle(fft[ix])
    phi = np.mod(phi, 2 * np.pi)

    model = lmfit.Model(sine)
    model.set_param_hint("f0", value=f0, min=fs.min(), max=2 * fs.max())
    model.set_param_hint("ofs", value=ys.mean(), min=ys.min(), max=ys.max())
    model.set_param_hint("amp", value=np.ptp(ys) / 2, min=0, max=np.ptp(ys))
    model.set_param_hint("phi", value=phi, min=0, max=2 * np.pi)
    return, xs=xs)

def fit_displacement(xs, ys):
    def displacement(xs, xscale=1.0, amp=1, ofs=0, n=0):
        alphas = xs * xscale
        nbars = alphas**2
        return ofs + amp * nbars**n / factorial(int(n)) * np.exp(-nbars)

    if xs[-1] > xs[0]:
        amp = ys[0] - ys[-1]
        ofs = np.min(ys)
        amp = ys[-1] - ys[0]
        ofs = np.max(ys)

    model = lmfit.Model(displacement)
    model.set_param_hint("xscale", value=1)
    model.set_param_hint("amp", value=amp)
    model.set_param_hint("ofs", value=ofs)
    model.set_param_hint("n", value=0)

    return, xs=xs)

[docs]def tune_rabi( system, init_state, e_ops=None, mode_name="qubit", pulse_name=None, amp_range=(-2, 2, 51), progbar=True, plot=True, ax=None, ylabel=None, update=True, verify=True, ): """Tune the amplitude of a Transmon pulse using an amplitude-Rabi experiment. Args: system (System): System containing the Transmon whose pulse you want to tune. init_state (qutip.Qobj): Initial state of the system. e_ops (optional, list[qutip.Qobj]): List of expectation operators. If none, defaults to init_state. Default: None. mode_name (optional, str): Name of the Transmon mode. Default: 'qubit'. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to tune. If None, will use transmon.default_pulse. Default: None. amp_range (optional, tuple[float, float, int]): Range over which to sweep the pulse amplitude, specified by (start, stop, num_steps). The units are such that, if the pulse is tuned up, amplitude of 1 generates a rotation by pi. Default: (-2, 2, 51). progbar (optional, bool): Whether to display a tqdm progress bar. Default: True. plot (optional, bool): Whether to plot the results: Default: True. ax (optional, matplotlib axis): Axis on which to plot results. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. ylabel (optional, str): ylabel for the plot. Default: None. update (optional, bool): Whether to update the pulse amplitude based on the fit result. Default: True. verify (optional, bool): Whether to re-run the Rabi sequence with the newly-determined amplitude to verify correctness. Default: True. Returns: tuple[tuple, float, float]: (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp """ init_state = ket2dm(init_state) qubit = system.get_mode(mode_name) pulse_name = pulse_name or qubit.default_pulse pulse = getattr(qubit, pulse_name) if e_ops is None: e_ops = [init_state] e_ops = ops2dms(e_ops) e_pop = [] amps = np.linspace(*amp_range) prog = tqdm if progbar else lambda x, **kwargs: x for amp in prog(amps): seq = get_sequence(system) with qubit.pulse_scale(amp, pulse_name=pulse_name): qubit.rotate_x(np.pi, pulse_name=pulse_name) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) e_pop.append(result.expect[0][-1]) fit_result = fit_sine(amps, e_pop) amp_scale = 1 / (2 * fit_result.params["f0"]) old_amp = pulse.amp new_amp = amp_scale * old_amp if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax.plot(amps, e_pop, "o") ax.plot(amps, fit_result.best_fit, "-") ax.set_xlabel("Pulse scale") if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title(f"{} Rabi") plt.pause(0.1) else: fig = None ax = None if update: pulse.amp = new_amp print( f"Updating {} unit amp from {old_amp:.2e} to {new_amp:.2e}.", flush=True, ) if verify: _ = tune_rabi( system, init_state, e_ops=e_ops, mode_name=mode_name, pulse_name=pulse_name, amp_range=amp_range, progbar=progbar, plot=True, ax=ax, update=False, verify=False, ) return (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp
def tune_repeated_pi_pulses( system, init_state, e_ops=None, mode_name="qubit", pulse_name=None, max_num_pulses=100, progbar=True, plot=True, ax=None, ylabel=None, update=True, verify=True, ): """Tune the amplitude of a Transmon pulse by playing train of pi pulses. Args: system (System): System containing the Transmon whose pulse you want to tune. init_state (qutip.Qobj): Initial state of the system. e_ops (optional, list[qutip.Qobj]): List of expectation operators. If none, defaults to init_state. Default: None. mode_name (optional, str): Name of the Transmon mode. Default: 'qubit'. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to tune. If None, will use transmon.default_pulse. Default: None. max_num_pulses (optional, tuple[float, float, int]): Maximum number of repeated pulses, Default: 100. progbar (optional, bool): Whether to display a tqdm progress bar. Default: True. plot (optional, bool): Whether to plot the results: Default: True. ax (optional, matplotlib axis): Axis on which to plot results. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. ylabel (optional, str): ylabel for the plot. Default: None. update (optional, bool): Whether to update the pulse amplitude based on the fit result. Default: True. verify (optional, bool): Whether to re-run the Rabi sequence with the newly-determined amplitude to verify correctness. Default: True. Returns: tuple[tuple, float, float]: (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp """ init_state = ket2dm(init_state) qubit = system.get_mode(mode_name) pulse_name = pulse_name or qubit.default_pulse pulse = getattr(qubit, pulse_name) if e_ops is None: e_ops = [init_state] e_ops = ops2dms(e_ops) e_pop = [] num_pulses = np.arange(max_num_pulses + 1) current_state = init_state prog = tqdm if progbar else lambda x, **kwargs: x for _ in prog(num_pulses): seq = get_sequence(system) qubit.rotate_x(np.pi, pulse_name=pulse_name) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) current_state = result.states[-1] e_pop.append(result.expect[0][-1]) e_pop = np.array(e_pop) fit_result = fit_sine(num_pulses, e_pop) amp_scale = 0.5 / fit_result.params["f0"] amp_scale = amp_scale**-1 old_amp = pulse.amp new_amp = amp_scale * old_amp if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax.plot(num_pulses, e_pop, "o") ax.plot(num_pulses, fit_result.best_fit, "-") ax.set_xlabel("Number of pulses") if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title(f"{} Repeated pi pulses") plt.pause(0.1) else: fig = None ax = None if update: pulse.amp = new_amp print( f"Updating {} unit amp from {old_amp:.2e} to {new_amp:.2e}.", flush=True, ) if verify: _ = tune_repeated_pi_pulses( system, init_state, e_ops=e_ops, mode_name=mode_name, pulse_name=pulse_name, max_num_pulses=max_num_pulses, progbar=progbar, plot=True, ax=ax, update=False, verify=False, ) return (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp def tune_repeated_pio2_pulses( system, init_state, e_ops=None, mode_name="qubit", pulse_name=None, max_num_pulses=100, progbar=True, plot=True, ax=None, ylabel=None, update=True, verify=True, ): """Tune the amplitude of a Transmon pulse by playing train of pi/2 pulses. Args: system (System): System containing the Transmon whose pulse you want to tune. init_state (qutip.Qobj): Initial state of the system. e_ops (optional, list[qutip.Qobj]): List of expectation operators. If none, defaults to init_state. Default: None. mode_name (optional, str): Name of the Transmon mode. Default: 'qubit'. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to tune. If None, will use transmon.default_pulse. Default: None. max_num_pulses (optional, tuple[float, float, int]): Maximum number of repeated pulses, Default: 100. progbar (optional, bool): Whether to display a tqdm progress bar. Default: True. plot (optional, bool): Whether to plot the results: Default: True. ax (optional, matplotlib axis): Axis on which to plot results. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. ylabel (optional, str): ylabel for the plot. Default: None. update (optional, bool): Whether to update the pulse amplitude based on the fit result. Default: True. verify (optional, bool): Whether to re-run the Rabi sequence with the newly-determined amplitude to verify correctness. Default: True. Returns: tuple[tuple, float, float]: (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp """ init_state = ket2dm(init_state) qubit = system.get_mode(mode_name) pulse_name = pulse_name or qubit.default_pulse pulse = getattr(qubit, pulse_name) if e_ops is None: e_ops = [init_state] e_ops = ops2dms(e_ops) e_pop = [] num_pulses = np.arange(max_num_pulses + 1) current_state = init_state def run_sim(current_state, N): seq = get_sequence(system) for _ in range(N): qubit.rotate_x(np.pi / 2, pulse_name=pulse_name) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) current_state = result.states[-1] return result, current_state result, current_state = run_sim(current_state, 1) e_pop.append(result.expect[0][-1]) prog = tqdm if progbar else lambda x, **kwargs: x for _ in prog(num_pulses[:-1]): result, current_state = run_sim(current_state, 2) e_pop.append(result.expect[0][-1]) e_pop = np.array(e_pop) fit_result = fit_sine(num_pulses, e_pop) print(fit_result) amp_scale = 0.5 / fit_result.params["f0"] amp_scale = amp_scale**-1 old_amp = pulse.amp new_amp = amp_scale * old_amp if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax.plot(num_pulses, e_pop, "o") ax.plot(num_pulses, fit_result.best_fit, "-") ax.set_xlabel("Number of pulses") if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title(f"{} Repeated pi/2 pulses") plt.pause(0.1) else: fig = None ax = None if 0: pulse.amp = new_amp print( f"Updating {} unit amp from {old_amp:.2e} to {new_amp:.2e}.", flush=True, ) if verify: _ = tune_repeated_pio2_pulses( system, init_state, e_ops=e_ops, mode_name=mode_name, pulse_name=pulse_name, max_num_pulses=max_num_pulses, progbar=progbar, plot=True, ax=ax, update=False, verify=False, ) return (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp
[docs]def tune_drag( system, init_state, e_ops=None, mode_name="qubit", pulse_name=None, drag_range=(-5, 5, 21), progbar=True, plot=True, ax=None, ylabel=None, update=True, ): """Tune the DRAG coefficient for a Transmon pulse by executing Rx(pi) - Ry(pi/2) and Ry(pi) - Rx(pi/2) using different DRAG values. Args: system (System): System containing the Transmon whose pulse you want to tune. init_state (qutip.Qobj): Initial state of the system. e_ops (optional, list[qutip.Qobj]): List of expectation operators. If None, defaults to init_state. Default: None. mode_name (optional, str): Name of the Cavity mode. Default: 'qubit'. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to tune. If None, will use qubit.default_pulse. Default: None. drag_range (optional, tuple[float, float, int]): Range over which to sweep the DRAG value, specified by (start, stop, num_steps). Default: (-5, 5, 21) progbar (optional, bool): Whether to display a tqdm progress bar. Default: True. plot (optional, bool): Whether to plot the results: Default: True. ax (optional, matplotlib axis): Axis on which to plot results. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. ylabel (optional, str): ylabel for the plot. Default: None. update (optional, bool): Whether to update the DRAG value based on the fit result. Default: True. Returns: tuple[tuple, float, float]: (fig, ax), old_drag, new_drag """ init_state = ket2dm(init_state) qubit = system.get_mode(mode_name) pulse_name = pulse_name or qubit.default_pulse pulse = getattr(qubit, pulse_name) if e_ops is None: e_ops = [init_state] e_ops = ops2dms(e_ops) XpY9 = [] YpX9 = [] old_drag = pulse.drag drags = np.linspace(*drag_range) progbar = tqdm if progbar else lambda x, **kw: x for drag in progbar(drags): pulse.drag = drag seq = get_sequence(system) qubit.rotate_x(np.pi, pulse_name=pulse_name) sync() qubit.rotate_y(np.pi / 2, pulse_name=pulse_name) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) XpY9.append(result.expect[0][-1]) seq = get_sequence(system) qubit.rotate_y(np.pi, pulse_name=pulse_name) sync() qubit.rotate_x(np.pi / 2, pulse_name=pulse_name) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) YpX9.append(result.expect[0][-1]) r0 = fit_line(drags, XpY9) r1 = fit_line(drags, YpX9) b0, b1 = [r.params["intercept"].value for r in [r0, r1]] m0, m1 = [r.params["slope"].value for r in [r0, r1]] xopt = (b1 - b0) / (m0 - m1) if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax.plot(drags, XpY9, "o", label="Rx(pi) - Ry(pi/2)") ax.plot(drags, r0.best_fit, "k-") ax.plot(drags, YpX9, "o", label="Ry(pi) - Rx(pi/2)") ax.plot(drags, r1.best_fit, "k-") ax.axvline(xopt, color="k", ls="--", label=f"DRAG: {xopt:.2e}") ax.legend(loc=0) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("DRAG coefficient") if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel("|e> population") ax.set_title(f"{} DRAG") plt.pause(0.1) else: fig = None ax = None if update: pulse.drag = xopt print( f"Updating {}.drag from {old_drag:.2e} to {xopt:.2e}.", flush=True, ) else: pulse.drag = old_drag return (fig, ax), old_drag, xopt
[docs]def tune_displacement( system, init_state, e_ops=None, mode_name="cavity", pulse_name=None, amp_range=(0.1, 3, 51), progbar=True, plot=True, ax=None, ylabel=None, update=True, verify=True, ): """Tune the amplitude of a Cavity pulse using a displacement experiment. Args: system (System): System containing the Cavity whose pulse you want to tune. init_state (qutip.Qobj): Initial state of the system. e_ops (optional, list[qutip.Qobj]): List of expectation operators. If None, defaults to init_state. Default: None. mode_name (optional, str): Name of the Cavity mode. Default: 'cavity'. pulse_name (optional, str): Name of the pulse to tune. If None, will use cavity.default_pulse. Default: None. amp_range (optional, tuple[float, float, int]): Range over which to sweep the pulse amplitude, specified by (start, stop, num_steps). The units are such that, if the pulse is tuned up, amplitude of 1 generates a displacement of alpha = 1. Default: (0.1, 3, 51). progbar (optional, bool): Whether to display a tqdm progress bar. Default: True. plot (optional, bool): Whether to plot the results: Default: True. ax (optional, matplotlib axis): Axis on which to plot results. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. ylabel (optional, str): ylabel for the plot. Default: None. update (optional, bool): Whether to update the pulse amplitude based on the fit result. Default: True. verify (optional, bool): Whether to re-run the sequence with the newly-determined amplitude to verify correctness. Default: True. Returns: tuple[tuple, float, float]: (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp """ init_state = ket2dm(init_state) cavity = system.get_mode(mode_name) pname = pulse_name or cavity.default_pulse pulse = getattr(cavity, pname) if e_ops is None: e_ops = [init_state] e_ops = ops2dms(e_ops) zero_pop = [] amps = np.linspace(*amp_range) prog = tqdm if progbar else lambda x, **kwargs: x for amp in prog(amps): seq = get_sequence(system) with cavity.pulse_scale(amp): cavity.displace(1) result =, e_ops=e_ops, only_final_state=False) zero_pop.append(result.expect[0][-1]) fit_result = fit_displacement(amps, zero_pop) amp_scale = 1 / fit_result.params["xscale"].value old_amp = pulse.amp new_amp = amp_scale * old_amp if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax.plot(amps, zero_pop, "o") ax.plot(amps, fit_result.best_fit, "-") ax.set_xlabel("Pulse scale") if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title(f"{} displacement") plt.pause(0.1) else: fig = None ax = None if update: pulse.amp = new_amp print( f"Updating {} unit amp from {old_amp:.2e} to {new_amp:.2e}.", flush=True, ) if verify: _ = tune_displacement( system, init_state, e_ops=e_ops, mode_name=mode_name, pulse_name=pulse_name, amp_range=amp_range, progbar=progbar, plot=True, ax=ax, update=False, verify=False, ) return (fig, ax), old_amp, new_amp