Source code for sequencing.benchmarking

# This file is part of sequencing.
#    Copyright (c) 2021, The Sequencing Authors.
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import qutip
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .sequencing import ket2dm, Sequence, PulseSequence, CompiledPulseSequence

[docs]class Benchmark(object): """A class for comparing the performance of a given control sequence to a target unitary. Args: sequence (PulseSequence, CompiledPulseSequence, or Sequence): The sequence to benchmark. init_state (qutip.Qobj): The initial state of the system. target_unitary (qutip.Qobj): The unitary to which to compare the sequence. run_sequence (optional, bool): Whether to run the sequence immediately upon creating the Benchmark. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, sequence, init_state, target_unitary, run_sequence=True): allowed_sequence_types = (PulseSequence, CompiledPulseSequence, Sequence) if not isinstance(sequence, allowed_sequence_types): raise TypeError( f"Expected sequence to be one of the following types: " f'({", ".join(allowed_sequence_types)}), ' f"but got {type(sequence)}." ) self.seq = sequence self.init_state = init_state self.target_unitary = target_unitary self.target_state = (self.target_unitary * self.init_state).unit() self.mesolve_state = None if run_sequence: self.run_sequence()
[docs] def run_sequence(self, **kwargs): """Simulate the sequence and save the final state. Keyword arguments are passed to ````. """ result =, **kwargs) self.mesolve_state = result.states[-1]
[docs] def fidelity(self, target_state=None): """Returns the fidelty of the state resulting from the sequence to the target state. Args: target_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to which to compare the final state. Defaults to``target_unitary * init_state``. Returns: float or None """ if self.mesolve_state is None: return target_state = target_state or self.target_state return, target_state) ** 2
[docs] def tracedist(self, target_state=None, sparse=False, tol=0): """Returns the trace distance from the state resulting from the sequence to the target state. Args: target_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to which to compare the final state. Defaults to``target_unitary * init_state``. sparse, tol: See ``qutip.tracedist``. Returns: float or None """ if self.mesolve_state is None: return target_state = target_state or self.target_state state = self.mesolve_state return qutip.tracedist(state, target_state, sparse=sparse, tol=tol)
[docs] def purity(self): """Returns the purity of the final state. Returns: float or None """ if self.mesolve_state is None: return return np.trace(ket2dm(self.mesolve_state) ** 2).real
[docs] def plot_wigners( self, target_state=None, actual_state=None, sel=None, cmap="RdBu", disp_range=(-5, 5, 201), ): """Plots the Wigner function of the final state and the target state. Args: target_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to which to compare the final state. Defaults to``target_unitary * init_state``. actual_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to compare the target_state. Defaults to ``self.mesolve_state``. sel (optional, int or list[int]): Indices of modes to keep when taking the partial trace of the target and actual states. If None, no partial trace is taken. Default: None. cmap (optional, str): Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. Default: 'RdBu' disp_range (tuple[float, float, int]): Range of displacements to use when compouting the Wigner function, specified as (start, stop, num_steps). Default: (-5, 5, 201). Returns: tuple: matplotlib Figure and Axis. """ if self.mesolve_state is None: return target_state = target_state or self.target_state actual_state = actual_state or self.mesolve_state if sel is not None: target_state = target_state.ptrace(sel) actual_state = actual_state.ptrace(sel) xs = ys = np.linspace(*disp_range) w = qutip.wigner(actual_state, xs, ys) w0 = qutip.wigner(target_state, xs, ys) clim = max(abs(w.min()), abs(w.max()), abs(w0.min()), abs(w0.max())) norm = plt.Normalize(-clim, clim) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) labels = ["target state", "mesolve state"] for ax, wigner, title in zip(axes, [w0, w], labels): im = ax.pcolormesh(xs, ys, wigner, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading="auto") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(r"Re[$\alpha$]") ax.set_ylabel(r"Im[$\alpha$]") fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes, orientation="horizontal") fig.suptitle(f"{} Wigner") return fig, axes
[docs] def plot_fock_distribution( self, target_state=None, actual_state=None, sel=None, offset=0, ax=None, unit_y_range=True, ): """Plots the photon number distribution of the target and actual states. Args: target_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to which to compare the final state. Defaults to``target_unitary * init_state``. actual_state (optional, qutip.Qobj): State to compare the target_state. Defaults to ``self.mesolve_state``. sel (optional, int or list[int]): Indices of modes to keep when taking the partial trace of the target and actual states. If None, no partial trace is taken. Default: None. offset (optional, int): Minimum photon number to plot. Default: 0. ax (optional, Axis): matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, one is automatically created. Default: None. unit_y_range (optional, bool): Whether to force the y axis limits to (0, 1). Default: True. Returns: tuple: matplotlib Figure and Axis. """ if self.mesolve_state is None: return if ax is not None: fig = plt.gcf() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) target_state = target_state or self.target_state actual_state = actual_state or self.mesolve_state if sel is not None: target_state = target_state.ptrace(sel) actual_state = actual_state.ptrace(sel) labels = ["target state", "mesolve state"] for rho, label in zip([target_state, actual_state], labels): rho = ket2dm(rho) N = rho.shape[0] xs = np.arange(offset, offset + N) ys = rho.diag().real, ys, alpha=0.5, width=0.8, label=label) if unit_y_range: ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlim(-0.5 + offset, N + offset) ax.set_xlabel("Fock number", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Occupation probability", fontsize=12) ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set_title(f"{} Fock distribution") return fig, ax