Source code for sequencing.sequencing.common

# This file is part of sequencing.
#    Copyright (c) 2021, The Sequencing Authors.
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import inspect
from functools import wraps
from collections import namedtuple

import qutip

[docs]def ket2dm(obj): """Converts a ``qutip.Qobj`` from a ket to a density matrix. """ if obj.isket: return qutip.ket2dm(obj) return obj
[docs]def ops2dms(ops): """Converts a ``qutip.Qobj`` or sequence of ``qutip.Qobj`` from kets to density matrices. """ if isinstance(ops, qutip.Qobj): ops = [ops] return list(map(ket2dm, ops))
[docs]class ValidatedList(object): """A list-like container which is enforced to only accept values of the types listed in the class attribute ``VALID_TYPES``. Args: iterable (optional, iterable): Iterable of initial values with which to populate the list. Default: None. """ VALID_TYPES = None def __init__(self, iterable=None): self._items = [] if iterable is not None: self.extend(iterable) def _validate(self, item): """Enforces that item is an instance of one of the types in VALID_TYPES. Returns: object: The item, if it is a valid type. """ valid_types = self.VALID_TYPES if valid_types is not None: if not isinstance(item, valid_types): raise TypeError( f"{type(self).__name__} expected instance of [" + ", ".join(t.__name__ for t in valid_types) + f"] , but got {type(item)}." ) return item def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}([{','.join(map(repr, self))}])" def __len__(self): return len(self._items) def __iter__(self): for i in self._items: yield i def __getitem__(self, item): return self._items[item]
[docs] def append(self, item): """Add an item to the end of the ValidatedList.""" item = self._validate(item) self._items.append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Extend the ValidatedList by appending all the items from the iterable. """ iterable = [self._validate(item) for item in iterable] self._items.extend(iterable)
[docs] def insert(self, i, item): """Insert an item at a given position in the ValidatedList.""" item = self._validate(item) self._items.insert(i, item)
[docs] def pop(self, i=-1): """Remove the item at the given position in the ValidatedList, and return it. """ return self._items.pop(i)
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all items from the ValidatedList.""" self._items.clear()
HTerm = namedtuple("HTerm", ["H", "coeffs", "args", "kwargs"], defaults=[1, None, None]) """A ``namedtuple`` specifying a time-depdendent Hamiltonian term. Args: H (qutip.Qobj): The Hamiltonian operator. coeffs (optional, number, array-like, or callable): Time-dependent coefficients for the given operator. You can specify single int/float/complex for constant coefficients, or provide a function that takes time as its first argument and returns coefficiencts. Default: None. args (optional, iterable): Positional arguments passed to coeffs if coeffs is callable. Default: None. kwargs (optional, dict): Keyword arguments passed to coeffs if coeffs is a function. Default: None. """ CTerm = namedtuple( "CTerm", ["op", "coeffs", "args", "kwargs"], defaults=[1, None, None] ) """A ``namedtuple`` specifying a time-depdendent collapse operator. Args: op (qutip.Qobj): The collapse operator. coeffs (optional, number, array-like, or callable): Time-dependenct oefficients for the given operator. You can specify single int/float/complex for constant coefficients, or provide a function that takes time as its first argument and returns coefficiencts. Default: None. args (optional, iterable): Positional arguments passed to coeffs if coeffs is callable. Default: None. kwargs (optional, dict): Keyword arguments passed to coeffs if coeffs is a function. Default: None. """ Operation = namedtuple("Operation", ["duration", "terms"]) """A ``namedtuple`` specifying a set of HTerms that are applied simultaneously. Args: duration (int): The number of time points in each of the terms, i.e. the duration of the operation. terms (dict): Dict of (hamiltonian_channel_name, HTerm) """
[docs]class SyncOperation(object): """When inserted into a PulseSequence, ensures that the Hamiltonian channels all align up to this point. This means that all operations which follow the sync will be executed after all those before the sync. Sequences are constructed in terms of blocks of operations separated by syncs. Within a block, channels are made to have equal duration by padding shorter channels to the maximum channel length. """ pass
[docs]class DelayOperation(object): """When inserted into a PulseSequence, adds a global delay to the sequence, delaying all channels by the same amount. Args: length (int): Length of the delay. sync_before (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() before the delay. Default: True. sync_after (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() after the delay. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, length, sync_before=True, sync_after=True): self.length = length self.sync_before = sync_before self.sync_after = sync_after
[docs]class DelayChannelsOperation(object): """When inserted into a PulseSequence, adds a delay of duration ``length`` to only the channels specified in ``channels``. Args: channels (str | list | dict): Either the name of a single channel, a list of channel names, or a dict of the form {channel_name: H_op}, or a dict of the form {channel_name: (H_op, C_op)}. One of the latter two is required if the channels are not yet defined in seq.channels (i.e. if no previous Operations have involved these channels). length (int): Duration of the delay. """ def __init__(self, channels, length): self.channels = channels self.length = length
[docs]def get_sequence(system=None): """Returns the global PulseSequence. Args: system (optional, System): If system is not None, the global PulseSequence is reset. Default: None. Returns: PulseSequence: The global PulseSequence. """ from .main import _global_pulse_sequence if system is not None: _global_pulse_sequence.set_system(system, t0=0) return _global_pulse_sequence
[docs]def capture_operation(func): """A decorator used to wrap functions that return an ``Operation``, which captures the ``Operation`` and adds it to the global ``PulseSequence``. If a function that is decorated with ``@capture_operation`` is called with the keyword argument ``capture=False``, the ``Operation`` returned by the wrapped function will not be captured and added to the global ``PulseSequence``, but rather returned as normal. """ @wraps(func) def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): sequence = get_sequence() if sequence.system is not None: # inject the current sequence time into kwargs params = inspect.signature(func).parameters if ( "t0" in params and params["t0"].default is None and kwargs.get("t0", None) is None ): kwargs["t0"] = sequence.t0 capture = kwargs.pop("capture", True) result = func(*args, **kwargs) if capture and isinstance(result, Operation): if sequence.system is None: raise Exception( "The global PulseSequence is not" "currently associated with a System." ) sequence.append(result) return None return result return wrapped_func
[docs]def sync(seq=None): """Ensure that the Hamiltonian channels all align up to this point. This means that all operations which follow the sync will be executed after all those before the sync. Sequences are constructed in terms of blocks of operations separated by sync()s. Within a block, channels are made to have equal duration by padding shorter channels to the maximum channel length. Args: seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on which to apply the sync. If None, a SyncOperation is appended to the global PulseSequence. Default: None. """ if seq is None: get_sequence().append(SyncOperation()) elif seq.system is not None: seq.sync()
[docs]def delay(length, sync_before=True, sync_after=True, seq=None): """Adds a global delay to the sequence, delaying all channels by the same amount. Args: length (int): Length of the delay. sync_before (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() before the delay. Default: True. sync_after (optional, bool): Whether to insert a sync() after the delay. Default: True. seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on which to apply the delay. If None, a DelayOperation is appended to the global CompiledPulseSequence. Default: None. """ if seq is None: get_sequence().append(DelayOperation(length)) elif seq.system is not None: seq.delay(length, sync_before=sync_before, sync_after=sync_after)
[docs]def delay_channels(channels, length, seq=None): """Adds a delay of duration `length` to only the channels specified in `channels`. Args: channels (str | list | dict): Either the name of a single channel, a list of channel names, or a dict of the form {channel_name: H_op}, or a dict of the form {channel_name: (H_op, C_op)}. One of the latter two is required if the channels are not yet defined in seq.channels (i.e. if no previous Operations have involved these channels). length (int): Duration of the delay. seq (optional, CompiledPulseSequence): CompiledPulseSequence on which to delay channels. If None, a DelayChannelsOperation is appended to the global CompiledPulseSequence. Default: None. """ if seq is None: get_sequence().append(DelayChannelsOperation(channels, length)) elif seq.system is not None: if isinstance(channels, str): channels = [channels] if isinstance(channels, dict): for name, val in channels.items(): if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): val = [val, None] H, C = val if name not in seq.channels: seq.add_channel(name, H=H, C_op=C, time_dependent=True) elif not isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Channels must be either a sequence of channel names " "or a dict like {name: operator}." ) seq.hc.delay_channels(list(channels), length)